Archive for February, 2012

Resolution De Anonuevo

It’s a tradition that people list their new years resolutions every year. But Basically they forget it as the year goes. Well, Unless they are so persistent to achieve their goals.
Some other people  aim to achieve some thing with in the year, that is why they create new years resolution for themselves. Others start with new years resolutions to reach a long term goal.  Most common things in the list  are losing weight, saving money, and studying or working harder. These are easy to accomplish if you’re great enough.

Well, I can say that this is my top most new year resolution. I seldom eat meat and now I’ll make it more seldom. Last year I told my self not to eat pork, and then I just did and became part of my regular diet, Religion plays a big role on this. Thanks the Kashrut or the jewish diet,  they are not allowed to eat pork.
Moreover the jewish people are not allowed to eat meat with milk. As The book of Deutoronomy once mentioned,”DO not cook the young on its mother’s milk”. Cheese burgers is a NO NO.

Spending for one’s self is not bad. Never be thrifty for one’s self what the body wants is what the body needs.
I used to have hard times whenever I had acne outbreaks, especially when menstrual perioud started. I tried almost anything which is I think the same with products that are much expensive.
It didn’t work.It just make my skin better but basically it did not prevent acne outbreaks.
Till this December a friend told me that the product I want is very effective. Though here in the country it cost almost $50monthly.
2nd day of January when I started to use the product I felt satisfaction the moment I bought it. NO HARD FEELINGS HONESTLY. I did not think that I might be finacially broke at the end of the month.
I feel great everytime I use the products, though acne sometimes pop out but its very quick to vanish. Marks are gone and I had fairer skin.
Then I learned that its find to be spendthrift for as long as its for the betterment of one’s self. This will be one of the things I’ll change this year to love myself more.

Before I was a so outcasted person in school. A prof told me that I should come out of my shell and not be so discreet.
Twas 2nd semester of last year when I found those people who are trustworthy and worth loving. I never thought that these people will teach me how to be myself. They accept me no matter what I’m no matter what I was.  It’s a new year resolution to be close enough to them, Because these people do not judge others (unlike me everybody knows im such a dictionary full of adjectives.).
More over there are many things I like about these people, They encourage me to work on some things that I don’t want to do or they making me less stubborn. One another thinks about one another, which is great, they are not pumpous lump and they don’t pretend to be the leader or the superior, which I like the most.
Now, Im trying to be who Iam around and I don’t care if some people cant accept the way I’m because there are set of people who know the worst part of me and still there fooling around with me.
ITS not really an issue if one doest not achieve his new years resolutions the important thing is they learn everyday, every year. Learning is a process of a life time and this is  the cornerstone of our goals.

Everybody deserves a second chance

The luckiest person Earth is the one who is given a second chance. A chance to change something about his personality, actions, behavior and a chance to correct the sins that he/she committed.

Every person in this world seek for a second chance and lucky that person to have another chance. As a person in our everyday life’s we commit big sin which makes us a bad person. Yes, it is true that no is perfect in this world except God. Even the pope, the priest, pastors and the nuns also commit sin. That’s why Jesus Christ sacrifice His life for us to be save from our sins and this symbolize that we people are given the second chance to repent from our sins. But it seems that we are not content with this second chance that God had given us. 

Every day is a second chance but we people don’t even feel it. God has given us that chance in order for us to reflect from our sins and be a good person. They say  that going to Mass is a sacrifice for sin that’s why every Sunday many people go to church for them  to pray and confess from their sins. They concentrate praying, sometimes they cry for their problems, pray the Holy Rosary from the pain they are encountering and asks for forgiveness that they have done wrong things from their life. But after  mass their we go again back to reality they commit another sin, gossip, rumor, and  crimes everywhere.


I think but I’m sure that God is punishing us through nature call , as you observe on what is happening to our surroundings right now we encounter huge calamities, flood, earthquakes and many more. At that time when we are affected  that’s the time we remember God, we pray to Him in times of sorrow and hardships. 

God has mercy to us His people that’s why he sent His son to save from our sins but we fail to repent from our sins. We deserve the second chance that He had given us and we must be thankful to it. We cannot stop ourselves from committing sins but we must control our actions that may lead to a sin. We must not waste this second chance that God had given us, we must not only pray to Him if we need something or we are in the midst of sorrow. Everyday’s life symbolizes a new chance that’s why Everybody deserves a second chance. :)

SECOND CHANCES: It’s free anyway

Cover picture of Eminem's 8 Mile album, courtesy of Google pics

“Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in a moment, would you capture it or just let it slip?” Yes, your correct, this is a quoted line from the rap song of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” which was released in 2002 with his rap album entitled 8 Mile.

            I definitely love that song, not just because I’m a fan of him but because of the song’s content, the song talks about chances, an opportunity to be on top, to get what you want in a single shot that you might lost if you do not have the guts to take it.


            Well, my article this time will talk about chances – second chances specifically. And since that love is in the air because it is Valentine’s Day, we will talk about love songs instead of pure rap song.


            These love songs that I will share to you are an expression of love at the second time around (between lovers). I just want to ask of what you will do if you see your former lover, will you try to talk to him / her and manage to be connected again. Or what if your former lover is knocking at your door once again and begging for forgiveness?


            My dear reader, I hope that you give this person a second chance because I think that nothing will be lose if you try. And I think that it is sorrowful if you push love away when it is coming to you. So and for the meantime, let’s check these three songs that I prepare for you, and let’s see the magic of love through a second chance.


Cover photo of Michael Martin Murphy's The Heart Never Lies Album, courtesy of Google pics

Maybe This Time – by Michael Martin Murphy. A song that was released in 1983 with the song album entitled; The Heart Never Lies by Murphy. This song talks about two friends who meet each other again after a long time. These two friends have their especial feelings for each other before but they did not manage to make it deeper because they were too immature before. But nothing has change as they see each other again. Their love for each other is much stronger now as it was described on the lyrics of the song. Time has been a part for these to lovers to love each other as they have now the luxury to do it because of their maturity.


            Do you have the same situation just like in this song? Well if you have, I guess you too should take the opportunity. Who knows that if this person that you had loved before might still love you? You will only know it when you take the risk and put an effort to grab that love again.


The Braxton(s), courtesy of Google pics

(Because) I Still Say Yes to You Again – This song was released by The Braxtons (a group

U-Turn band, photo courtesy of Google pics

of five female singers) in 1996 with the song album entitled: So Many Ways. A few years ago, it was revived and popularized by local band; U-Turn. The song talks about reviving a relationship between two lovers, the female lover here (in this song) has swear to accept and love her man again to give him a second chance to their relationship that had drift away before.

            Some of us are having a hard time to open our heart to the one who had hurt as before, while on the other hand, some of us are willing to give an another try to the person we love before. It’s an option we have to choose. I just you hope that the choice that you will make

will come from your heart and not on your mind; either you will choose to love someone new or you will choose to love again the person you loved before.


Cover pictue of Francis M.'s Yo! album, courtesy of Google pics

Cold Summer Nights – This song was also popularized by Arnie Hidalgo, but what I love most is the version of late “Master Rapper” – Francis Magalona – which goes in a pop rap rhythm. Oh how I really like this song, because I also have the same situation before, which I found myself being guilty that I somehow hurt her – please do not ask anymore whom I talking about. Well this song talks about a lover who felt sorry about the things that he / she had done to his / her love one. This lover is asking for forgiveness and wants to see and hold his / her lover once again. This song also talks about (the hardship of) missing someone and begging for a second chance to prove how much he need her in his life.


            In case you are in this situation; I encourage you to be brave. It is not a lost if you are willing to put aside your pride and say to your love one that you are sorry for what you have done. Do not be afraid to go to him / her and ask for another chance. Nothing will lose from you if you try.


            I hope that you enjoy this song recap that I presented. May be these insights and little thoughts that I gave to you might help you to cherish the relationship you have (or you will have) with your special someone.


            I have to go for a meantime and leave you with this word: love is good in the first time, but it is better and sweet for the second time around.


Happy Valentines my dear readers!

Photo courtesy of Google pics

We get challenges, every so often, but not all of them end well. In fact, some of them make the best of us, and some the worst, right? Although some people give up easily when they fall, I am one who just doesn’t lie down and blame the whole world for the misfortunes. I try to stand up right away and continue to walk. This is what I call, my second chance (s).




Like you and the rest of the mortals around us, I have been through so many challenges. Challenges that pushed my limits, challenges that probably dried my sweat, challenges that humbled me from doing so many things I wouldn’t normally do. A bit melodramatic but I assure you all of them contributed to who I am today!

Just after a year in college, I tried applying for a job.  Guess what? I was rejected so many times that even my fingers couldn’t keep up from counting! Although I knew I could do the work and would be eager to do the job well than the other workers in those establishments, I was just not accepted because of being a student. That was probably my official tastes of what they call, “employment-rejection”. Though a bit humiliating and totally a waste of time falling-in-line, filling up those idiotic-application forms, I just thought I have to stand up right away! And one day, an international franchise firm took a chance on me and accepted me as a salesman at Marks & Spencer. It was definitely a tiring thing to do, work plus school, but the moral of the story was not giving up and just continue walking.

The latter part of my college life was even more challenging as tuition, project and extra-curricular fees were piling up like tall buildings of Makati. But again, with my keep-on-walking spirit, I never gave up. I thought of them as just simple challenges  trying to push my limits.

Challenges, second chances are part of anyone’s life. All I could say is walk…just continue to walk. Sometimes the best part is not the destination but the journey. It’s the journey that defines who you are. Cherish and do well on your second chances.

Keep walking.

New Year for a New Beginning

 No one is perfect in this world and all of us commit mistakes.  But, have we realized or accepted the wrong things we have done, and have we done something to correct it? As the saying goes, we learn from our mistakes but more often than not, we commit the same mistakes over and over again. And once apprehended, we always say “sorry” – one of the most abused words used by people in the dictionary.

Funny but true, before the end of every year, most of us try to write or think on some of our new year’s resolution. I’m one of them. I’m a believer that in case your year ended not satisfying, you should try your very best on the upcoming year.

About me, I’m thankful that my birth date is on the first week of January. It just means that I was born to start a new beginning. Since I was a kid, I kept telling to myself that my birth date is not just an accident, but it has something magical in it. Yes, for me it is. Every year I have the thinking that I should keep on doubling my effort to make my upcoming year far better than the last.

This type of thinking managed me to put where I am now. I may be typical like everybody else but I know that my beliefs would bring me somewhere that others can’t. I exist to pursue my goals and give a strong foundation in it to make sure that I will be able to withstand any obstacles ahead.

My way of starting every New Year is to dispose everything from my past (what I mean to say are the bad happenings), and make a brand new one. My knowledge and experience can’t be taken from me by anyone else and only I can use it to bring myself to my much awaited dreams in life.

If some other people just want to procrastinate and live a stagnant life, don’t compare me to them. I want everything fresh each year, because for me it symbolizes my way of collecting and cherishing different memories from all types of field and people.

I remove bad habits, memories, and experiences easily because I know it won’t help me to be a better person. That is my one and only New Year’s Resolution… Yesterday can’t be tomorrow.

But I have a question that keeps on bugging me; it is why do we need to wait for New Year to come before making ourselves better? Is there a magic on having a new resolution before each year? Or is it just the culture that we are following? 

No matter what our resolution is, or how we should make it happen, it will always be based on how we make our life the best possible for the entire year.

HAPPY HEARTS MONTH!!Yeah, its heart’s season again, the time when cards, chocolates and flowers are most in demand. Not everyone celebrates V-day; single people would rather sleep, go to a party with friends or simply work and spend the day like nothing to celebrate about.

Valentine’s day is maybe the day for couples , love birds and people who have love life but for me it is also a day to celebrate love and life. People who got to have second chance of life, second chance of love second chance of success and everything in there should celebrate.  Now, let us get inspired to these short second chances stories as some of our college peers shared their heart-pounding, thrilling and simply gratifying second chances experience.



When I was in elementary, I had a BF whom I broke up with when I was in High School, I love him and he loves me. But because of our age, reckless attitude and academic constraints  we had no choice but to part ways. Now he is studying in UST We are at the right age and at the right time, niligawan nya ako ulit and I gave him a second chance. Now we are happy together! Rita Ibuna, 20, UE



Just few months ago, I came home very exhausted at the same time starving. So I ate my dinner lavishly and then got to sleep roughly 5 minutes after. In the middle of the night I felt my heart tightening  and found myself gasping for air, My dad told me when I got conscious, that I was experiencing the so-called “bangungot”  it was my first time to experience such near death experience. When my dad woke me up I felt like I was numb and terribly cold. Some expert then said that If my dad would have not come early to wake me would have been taken away by death. So now, I am thankful for this second chance of life that God has granted me.-Alfonso Zulaybar, 18, UE.


When I was in second year High school I was living a semi-pressured life of a scholar kid. , My parents always guide and monitor my school performance and asked me never to lose my scholarship, I promised them not to. But then again promises are made to be broken. I at verge of problems and felt like the whole world is falling before me. My Math teacher said that I will not be able to make it. I cried. I really cried, and then I prayed and asked my teacher if I can do something to make up my failing grade. Fortunately that teacher of mine gave me a second chance to report something and I passed it so now, I totally acknowledged the need to be hardworking and serious if you want to achieve or maintain something Mariell Dazo, 18, UE.





In 2006 I had a boyfriend, church mate ko siya, He is very kind, generous and a real dapper. But because of our complicated situation we broke up. The sad part was I told him that I don’t love him anymore when I really do love him, it’s just my parents who doesn’t want me to have a BF that time. Then in 2011 we met again in our church, college na ako nun, He asked if he can court me again then I gave her a sweet second chance, kaya nagyon Kami na ulit. Hazel Cabinian, 21 DLSU-Lipa.




I was at the wake of Lolo way back in 1999; I was really malikot and a playful kid. One time a girl called me from the opposite side of our street so I ran towards her. In my too much delight of running, I didn’t notice that a rushing truck is coming just a few meters away. I was shock and did nothing but to lay down crying thinking how a big truck suddenly able to stop just an inch before me. It was my second chance of my life and my parents told me that it was the soul of my departed Lolo who saved me.- Monica Mangalino, 21, Lyceum.


Just recently, a  necessary second chance came my way, I was at the brink of failing my major Broadcom subject, all my exams and quizzes were all failed until a professor of mine told me to lead our group for the finals it might save me from disgraced. Si I did I led my group to a production show I gave my best and was able to impress my prof, because of that my cinco became uno, yahoo!!- Jerome Lim, 19, UE




Back in 2004 I had a guy schoolmate in High school; a common friend introduced us to each other. When I got to know him I suddenly fell in love with him, he also fell in love with me each other from there our relationship started.  But our sweet relationship faced a sudden turn. After three months I foun

d out that he has been stealthily dating someone in fact some. We broke up and I decided to cut communication with him. It hurts, but I’m not really the type who can easily handle a guy who is very impulsive and playboy. After four straight (2008) years I entered college.  One day, in the middle of my retrospection, I realized that day was his birthday so I decided to greet him via Friendster. Few days later he got my number and began texting me. He insisted of meeting me up at the Legarda LRT station I’m at CEU, his in Arellano where he’s taking up BS Nursing. And while we are at the LRT He asked If I could give him a second chance, after four years? Yes it seems awkward , I don’t know what occurred me but this guy whom I broke u with four years ago is now the most important guy to me. He is my boyfriend now and I am very happy \I gave her a second chance. -Judine TY, 19, CEU



The measure of love is when you love without measure, in Life you’ll get some rare chances or second chances to meet the person you love and loves in return. So once you have him don’t ever let him go, that love might never come your way again.


Breezing through Changes

Change is the only constant thing on earth. Nothing is permanent. The past “you” might be different from the present “you”or even the future “you”. When a person change his way of life, he or she is given a chance to transform into a new individual. Everybody has a story of change, of second chances in life. i’m glad that this second chance had made me a better person. This is my story of chance.

I considered myself as a wind back in high school. I was aloof with all of the students in our academy. I never had bestfriends at school because I do’nt want to mingle with them. In an all-girls school, girls are competitive. The social class labels will start from “the pretty, rich and famous”, “the nerds”, “the teacher’s pet”, “the varsity players”, “the social climbers” and “the nobodys”. Labels are everywhere. Ask for me, I belong to the “nobodys”. I don’t conform much with the norms of my high school.

Fortunately, I’m still lucky to once in a while be in top 10 of our class. That was the only moment that teachers would notice me. During field trips, I would choose to sleep that hear my classmates talk about themselves. People at school thought of me as one of those ordinary and unnoticed students. I was never a threat to anybody.

I was okay being a wind but I hated my high school for being inconsiderate and not seeing what’s beyond my persona – my full potential. And so, i continued to be a breeze until after my high school graduation.

Entering college became my turning point, my second chance. New faces, new environment, and new life to redeem myself from the odd ghost of my high school life. College was an opportunity to show the real me. Because students in college are not mindful of other students, I was able to explore my full potentials. I studied harder, I gained true friends and enjoyed every bit of happiness at school. I became more expressive and confident. College also gave me a chance to fall in love and to experience heartbreaks. It was a roller coaster ride to fall in and out of love in college but I had surpassed it.


God has given me a second chance to re-introduce myself through college life. I realized that I’m not just a wind, that my worth is beyond that. I am talented and i am a gift to my love ones. I am a beautiful person because of this second chance. Right now, I still cannot consider high school as a memorable stage in life but i don’t hate it anymore. College has taught me to move on from grudges, stay strong, and accept changes. My transformation from being a wind is a blessing and the best thing that ever happened to me. I hope that others who share the same experience would not be afraid of taking chances. A chance is good specially if it is worth the risk.



Image sources:,r:27,s:94&tx=81&ty=75–pW_lUhUsk8/Ta8r94Fo7lI/AAAAAAAAADg/v9HWtaXU1Z4/s1600/second-chance.jpg&w=350&h=350&ei=kdg4T_-WFarAiQe_m-SeBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=828&vpy=142&dur=409&hovh=135&hovw=116&tx=97&ty=93&sig=112719468039851607373&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=116&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:4,s:0


In order to read my article, you are required to firmly hold the mouse and scroll the mouse wheel like crazy until you have reached the desired level of readibility..i think there is no zoom button here so please don’t try to look for it. Now, if my recommendation still doesn’t work, i suggest that you go find a nice, awesome computer that can withstand the force of HD Graphics..Have fun reading my article! 😀

Better person

I had a hard time thinking the negative traits that I should change as the New Years start.  It’s not that easy to change something about yourself most especially if that is the usual things that you are doing into your life, but many says theres no harm in trying make everything possible just believe in yourself. So here are my New Years resolutions this 2012:

  1. Proper Time Management– There was no time to do it” and “I forgot” are two popular excusesthat I usually give for not getting work done on time. To a certain degree my reasons are valid because I don’t want to make such things if I’m not in mood. The root problem, however, lies in poor time management and in an effective working system that comes with misuse of time. Proper time management can make the hours work for you and not against you. I promise to my self that I use it wisely.                                                                                                          2.Focus on my Algebra class and my other subjects– Honestly, I failed my MA101-College algebra, this year I will be more responsible in analyzing different problems that we took in Math. I will give my concentration to it and also to my other subjects, I think and I’m very much sure I will pass this minor subject this semester. Thumbs Up !                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        3.Budget my money– I’m a type of person who spent more money when it comes to food, It’s not that bad to treat my own self but to control spending money. I realize that I must consider the upcoming days.                                                                                                                   4.Join in all Journsoc Activities– From first semester until now I haven’t join any Journalism Society activities, the last time I joined is that I am one of those host during the Journalism assembly last 2011.  I expect that I will be more active in the Journalism Society this coming next school year  since the seniors are graduating we will be the next one to handle the Organization.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            5.Quit Liquor– It’s hard to stop drinking most especially if are already addicted to it, I believe that drinking liquor is not good to our health. For me it’s not that easy to change my habit from drinking but to take liquors moderately and controlled not that too much.                                                                                                                                                                        6.Stay fit and right-Regular exercise has been associated with more health benefits than anything else known to man, that’s why I need to attend the gym regularly.                                                                                                                                      7.Stay  with my Family and Friends– Of course, I will not forget those important people in my life they are the one giving me strength and courage to become a better person. They correct me from my mistakes without and guide me to do good things.                                                                                                                   

    I have many resolutions in life but I didn’t mention them all I just highlighted those important traits that I want to change and develop, for me to become a better person.  I hope that this year 2012 I will achieve all my plans in life including this resolution.


Everybody Needs Second Chances

02 February 2012


In Biblical history, the Old Testament is literally a lore made up of stories where the characters were not given second chances. Adam and Eve got their penalties at the first offense. The builders of the Tower of Babel got their languages all mixed up when they attempted to build a structure to the clouds – where they think heaven was! Then the evil people at the time of Noah were drowned en masse without the benefit of confession and forgiveness. Of course everyone knows what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah where the homos and psychos reside – they were obliterated with fire! What a horrible way to go!


The Christian doctrines have contributed to the concept of "second chances." Here the road leads to the Vatican during one of my visits to Rome in the '90s.

But the New Testament changed all that. In that second instalment of the sacred books, the sacrament of penance and forgiveness came into being. People were given “second chances” to reform and repent from their evil ways.

In some occasions, society frowns on giving a second chance to those who don't deserve it - like this government vehicle whose plate number was washed out so it could be used on a weekend, which is prohibited by law.


That probably set the tone for the modern concept of having a second chance in life, whether it comes from circumstances or from other people.

A make up quiz is a privilege. Teachers who voluntarily give them despite the late hours provide a second chance to deserving students.


Circumstances, we have a couple of examples from history. For instance, Winston Churchill was an ordinary soldier who fought in the English colonies in South Africa. He suffered defeat and frustration and was even held prisoner at one point. But circumstances opened opportunities for him to become one of Great Britain’s statesmen during the dark years of the Second World War. (Winston []  Abe [])


Winston Churchill (left) and Abraham Lincoln had their life's second chances, took it and made their mark in history.

There is also the case of the American President Abraham Lincoln. He was a failure in school and in the practice of law. He seldom had any won legal cases during his time and people looked at him with contemptuous humor because he was a lean 6’4” who according to them does not make him look outstanding. Of course, we knew he went into politics – lost some elections but at one point became the United States President. And what a time to lead a nation! He is known today as the President who ended slavery and bigotry against black people.


Second chances are quite common between persons. Many people see a doctor who was able to provide cure for a dread disease as a God given somebody who just gave a desperate person a second chance at life. And then, there’s the kind boss, who forgave the errant employee. In some cases, though, particularly in professional situations, second chances are not the norm and they depend so much on the gravity of the offense.

Employees and employers sometimes need second chances in their professional affairs.


Circumstantial second chances are hard to come by and often these depend on being at the right place and the right time, which is rare! What then motivates people to give second chances? In the case of a doctor, most times, they have both their oath and their personal ethical and religious principles. In cases of employers, they just have a larger percentage of the good rather than the dark side. People are lucky if they come under bosses with more good and philosophical righteousness in themselves. Bosses as purveyors of second chances are not absolute. Who knows they may also need it as some time? Everyone indeed needs second chances.

It seems the world's poor need second chances at every turn. Sadly, however, the poor 's chances are hard to come by. These two kids are from Pokhara, Nepal during one of my missions to that country in the mid '90s.

19 January 2012

There is a good side to having New Year resolutions. It does accept human limitations and frailty. It is recognition that the mistakes and mishaps from the past year (or years) can be rectified and result in a better person.

It seems to be that way but the media’s hype about celebrity resolutions somehow takes away the level of seriousness that should be given to the act. Personally, I have not engaged in forming New Year resolutions since I believe that any limitation should be attended to and resolved immediately without delay and not to wait for the following year. Life is too short to be procrastinating about what to do with self improvement.

What I’d rather see are the following changes in individuals or groups that influence the larger society. First, is world peace. This is not a laughing matter. Most dismiss this as a common wish in beauty pageants. But indeed, if one would give it a second look, it does have a significant ring to a world that has been in conflict in all of history. There simply should have an end to aggression and bullying by nations against another nation.

For World Peace. French marines from the 27th Alpine Mountain Battalion and French Task Force Tiger patrol the many valleys of Kapisa province, Afghanistan, April 21, 2009. (French army photo by Maj. Patrick Simo/Released)


On the local front, there should also have an end to corruption. The question is why do Philippine politicians, most of whom belong to the privileged class, still engage in corruption? It is like the rich stealing from the poor and keeping the loot. Unlike Robin Hood, who steals from the feudal lords to give to the poor! Why do Philippine politicians, once elected, spare no time in finding ways to get more money for themselves? Money from foreign assistance usually end up to fatten the pockets of these politicians. Now a newer breed of corruption includes non elective officials in high positions!

Progressive countries have long ago eradicated corruption in their political lives. The Philippines continue to suffer from corruption at every level of government and society, hence hampering potential development.


There should also be an end to bad drivers and bad cops. These groups exemplify the major dichotomies that pervade the streets of the country. They represent all the bad things that the Philippines have – bad citizens and bad law enforcers! You can extrapolate that to the major branches of government and you’ll find the same situation. Give the driver a steering wheel and give the psycho cop a pea shooter equals eternal chaos!

Student demonstrators are frequently manhandled by local cops. (Photo from Philippine Star)


And what about noise pollution? Why is it that the Philippines is too noisy? The streets and market places are all the same. Tricycles, jeepneys and buses not only are noisy, they also produce smoke pollution. Even the classrooms and public transportation have the same deafening decibel? Why do the affluent countries have tranquillity? Is that an indication of a higher level of culture and behaviour? Noise pollution should be stopped!

Vehicles used in the Philippines should be non petrol and noise pollutant like this Opel registered in France and used by my son during one of his travels to Europe.


And lastly, can something be done for copy pasting in school? In more serious terms, it is called plagiarism. Why do Philippine students engage in such wanton behaviour? They seem to do it without any remorse or conscience. That surely is an important area for change – every year!

Copy paste as usually practiced should be officially banned and students doing that should be sanctioned. Downside is if they do that, probably 70% of students may be liable!


So the question remains – are they doable? Well they are, but first, the individual person must be ready to accept the change – for him or herself. Each change that a person does will, of course, contribute to the greater good of society. #

Ian grew up in a home of a complete family. He has a father with a stable job. His mother, a plain housewife, cooks sumptuous meals each day for her children. Ian’s two little sisters, Carol and Melinda, goes to school along with their ambition of being a nurses or teachers. They had a nice bungalow house, a place where they grew from since birth, great neighbours and a peaceful surrounding.

Until Ondoy came.

September 23 of 2009, a day they never realize will change their lives forever, has been a tragedy for Ian’s family.

He was in his school that time for his NSTP class, along with his friends, waiting for the heavy rain to stop while talking and laughing at their latest drinking session mishap the night before.

He was about to text his mother to say that he will come home late because he will be at his friend’s house but then he realized that his phone does not have a signal.

Water begun to rise in his school so they were asked to stay overnight for safety measures. One of his friends even said that Marikina River has reached its alert level because of the heavy rains.

Ian just shrugged off the idea that Marikina will be flooded because he has not experienced that before.

The morning after, they were given the permission to go home. But then Ian suddenly felt a surge of panic after hearing from others that their village, Provident Village in Marikina, was heavily affected by the flood.

After alighting the LRT train in Katipunan, not a single jeepney was there. So he and his friends decided to walk to their houses. Horror shocked his eyes as he passed by garbages, dead cats and dogs and worst, even people.

He run to their village then saw a pile of dead bodies just in front of the gate.

“It was like the end of the world,” Ian said as he recalled how unimaginable the experience could be. He was shocked to see familiar faces looked so terrified and horrible. Houses were covered with muds, things are cluttered in the streets, from a baby’s diaper to slippers to dvd players and computer parts.

Everything was literally destroyed.

Heavy mud and garbage block his way to their house, two streets from the gate. He saw his mother outside of their mud-covered house, crying as she looks for their things that can be used again. Upon seeing Ian, she hurriedly hugged him and thanked God for he is still alive.

Ian found his sisters in deep silence as they look at their personal things destroyed. Luckily, none of them were hurt. His sisters and his mother immediately climbed to their rooftop upon seeing that the water rises quickly with only important documents, some clothes and water with them.

They almost lost everything. From their car to the appliances. Gone were his books in school, as well as those of his sisters, their photo albums were covered with mud and his mother’s plants were all destroyed. He thought that he will lose everything. That the tragedy that take away his plans of being an engineer someday.  It broke his heart to see the things his parents saved for them in the future be destroyed in just a blink of an eye.

His father decided to leave the village for good. Though it is hard for Ian, he cannot do anything and blame anyone. All they want is to forget the bitter memory of that tragic day. They sold their house at a very low price, just enough to start again in another place.

But then, he said he is still fortunate. His family’s loss is nothing compared to what their other neighbours had. Ian was still fortunate because he still have his two sisters with him, now on their college, not like his closest buddy in their neighbourhood who not only lose his favourite dog but also his sister who should have been pursuing Education today.

Two years after Ondoy, they now live in Concepcion ,Marikina, renting a small house perfect for his family.

Ian has to stop from school and work in a nearby fast-food chain to help his sisters in sending them to school.

And together, they face a new life, a second chance to live and survive a tragedy and move one, knowing that they learned something from the experience.

Ian never wanted the experience to happen again, but if it occurs again, he is sure to be ready.

He is grateful still, though their house which ws built supposedly for their future and his future family, because he still has his family with him.

He thought that they still have each other and nothing is as blessed with his family complete amidst Ondoy.

(Note this is the story of my love life and please bear with the errors that you might see feel free to correct them, warning this is a long a article, you will also read a script like formats thank you)

We all have our first crush and first love, we also remember the moments we have shared with those people but isn’t much better if we could spend time for the second time around with those person who makes us smile, laugh, the kilig moments. For some it is sweeter the second time around.

The First Chance

Kurt and I were high school frienemies (friends plus enemies equals frienemies) he was my former classmate since second year high school. During second year high school was just a buddy in school but he was the person who irritates me most he always checking my bag, hiding my stuffs, but most of the time I have my revenge to him I remember that I put a little flower pot inside his bag to get even with him, he even brought home the flower pot (he has a habit not to check his bag before going home). The next day he throw the pot inside our classroom and kept asking who put the flower pot in his bag, even I’m shaking I raise my hand and shout “ako ang naglagay sa bag mo ng lintik na pasong yan” then he walk out.

On our junior year I got to know his mom Tita/Mama Thess because we always do our group projects to their because of free foods (her mom makes a mouth watering puto and brownies), Tita Thess always make excess puto so I can bring home some for my mom (when I was in my junior year I have my curfew so whenever I got home late Tita Thess always sends me to home, so my mom wont scold me she’s like my kakampi ) and she told me “sana ikaw na lang ang girlfriend ng anak ko, bagay naman kayo ” I was shock and speechless, but when Kurt got a girlfriend, we parted our ways he became busy with his girlfriend and I became busy with church activities, we rarely talk to each other, he got pre-occupied with his love life forgetting our frienemies status.

But one day he texted me, (This happened on our senior year)

Kurt: shielalalalalala kurt to pwede ba kong pumunta sa inyo?
Me: sure thing duling bakit boy?
Kurt: gaga ka talaga, magpapaturo ng homework?
Me: dala kang puto haha
Kurt: di gumawa si mama ng puto eh, hinahanap ka nga sakin ni mama
Me: wala din akong homework, walang puto eh pakisabi batas military si mama ayaw akong paalisin
Kurt: hugis puto ka na, papunta na ko dyan sa inyo
Me: lumipat na kame ng bahay
Kurt: gaga ka talaga 😛 di naman kayo lilipat ng bahay eh
Me: eh sa lumipat na kame eh
Kurt: dito na ko sa labas ng bahay nyo, labas sa lungga Shie!!

Then I heard him shouting “Taooooo poooo, Taooooo pooo yung asoo nyoo poo papalapit naaa ” (just like the vendors selling Taho or ballot but with the tone of fear ). I was laughing when I see him but I stop laughing when he handed me a one liter box of Chuckie (chuckie is a very delicious chocolate drink for me).

Me: pasok ka muna. Salamat dito (waving the one liter box of Chuckie)
Kurt: wag na shie saglit lang naman ako, wala din naman tayong home work eh, may sasabihin lang ako sayo pati
Me: pumasok ka na, oo nga walang home work, ano yun?
Kurt: Mag ka college na tayo, di na kita madalas makikita
Me: pumasa na ko sa UE ikaw san ka mag-aaral?
Kurt: ewan ko pa, pero di yun ang pinunta ko
Me: (sweating like a marathon runner, I was nervous and shaking) eh bat ka nga ba nagpunta dito?
Kurt: Dyan ba si Tita Thess? (our mom have the same nicknames)
Me: oo, tawagin ko ba?
Kurt: oo, tawagin mo..
Me: bakit ko tatawagin??
Kurt: basta..
Me: baka isumbong mo ko dun ah
Kurt: gaga hindi may sasabihin lang ako importante
Me: okay, (as I call my mom not knowing what he will say to her)
Mama: oh bat coy (kurt’s nickname is coy)
Kurt: pwede ko po bang ayain si Shie na maging prom date ko?
Mama: oo naman Coy, pwede naman, salamat sa pagtanong sakin iho.
Kurt: salamat po Tita, kinabahan ka no (talking to me)
Me: (starring to them, and being shocked at the same time) loko di no
Kurt: bat ka pinagpapawisan?
Mama: iho bawal muna mag borfriend tong si Shiela ah
Kurt: opo, alam ko po yun
Me: ma inaaya lang ako sa prom..
Mama: mabuti na yung malinaw.

(you just read a script haha, but seriously he was that serious to ask me out on our prom, I felt like a princess that time haha)

In prom practice we usually escape, just to take some rest to our annoying instructor because he keeps on saying out loud that we look cute for each other etc. When the prom day arrived he even fetch me to our house, everyone is present during our prom his mom, dad, and older brother Rob and my mom, they were all excited about the night they watched us dance together.

After the prom we stayed in their house his dad threw us a memorable sleep over, but my mom only let me stay until one in the morning, during one of the games the spin the bottle we only have to answer truth nothing but the truth questions.

The bottle points at him the question was “Coy ano ba si shiela sayo?” kurt answered “sya yung taong laging nagpapatawa sakin kahit wala sa hulog ang mga joke nya,marunong makisama,masarap kasama,nakakalimutan ko yung problema ko pagbarirnig ko yung mga kwent nya, mapagbigay, sya yung babaeng..” then he stop answering the question leaving the rest of us hanging and thinking what would he say next. Then he said “lika na Shie hated na kita malapit na mag-ala una baka magalit si tita sayo”. After that night he don’t bother to talk to me anymore, he even change his number, he don’t sit near to me anymore.

But on our graduation day he talk to me and said “Shie, ingat ka sa UE ah, may pagka tanga-tanga ka pa naman wag kang sasali ng mga rally sa Mendiola”, I just smiled to him and walk away but he followed me and said “sana may chance pa ulit tayo katulad nun prom, maibalik ko sa lahat katulad ng dati” then he walk away leaving me standing in the middle of the crowd, thinking is there a chance for us to be close as ever? Or second chance is not for everyone, everyone has their own time.

The Second Chance for us

When we got in college I always get a text from him asking if everything was okay, if I enjoy staying here in Manila. We became closer again as best friends, until one day he said that he love me not as a best friend but as a lady, I was shock (Kurt was my first boyfriend) not knowing what to do. He courted me until the day I said yes (but I don’t remember the exact date that I said yes to him, but I do remember the ways that he exerted efforts just to say yes to him). His parents are very supportive to us they even went to UE to fetch me after school so we could eat together and accompany me to get home.

Kurt even suggested that it is about time to tell my parents that we our together, he had to face my mom and I have to go to their house to meet his parents again, but for different reasons to tell them finally the long wait is over.

the first gift that he gave to me the pink cassette protector

Me: Mama, si Kurt
Mama: oo nga sya si Kurt
Me: alam mo nay un (blushing)
Mama: di ko pa alam, ano ba yun?
Me: alam mo na yun, pa inosente pa kayo eh
Mama: ano ba kasi yun??
Kurt and I: kame na po
Mama: waaw ha, buti sinagot mo anak ko Coy
Kurt: (confused, but smiling and blushing) ako po yung nanligaw
Mama: o sya behave kayong dalawa ha?. Sabi ko na nga kayo eh..
Me: haha di naman po kayo galit or something?
Kurt: okay lang po ba talaga?
Mama: oo naman, ang mahalaga nagsabi kayo.

Kurt: Ma, Pa si Shie po girlfriend ko na
Tito Nestor: (smiled) kelan pa kayo Shie? Welcome sa pamilya namin
Me: (parang napilipit ang boses) kahapon lang po
Tita Thess: sa wakas nagging kayo din..
Tito Nestor: hahaha oo nga ang tagal naming initay na maging kayo
Kurt: (whispering to me) sabi sayo eh tanggap ka ditto samin eh..

(Surprisingly after all those years her mom is always asking him about me)

an old high school photo of Kurt and I

It really takes a lot of courage telling our parents that we are official together then I remember what he said to me he wanted the second chance to be with me, well then let’s just say that we had our time back then but we let it passed, now we had our chance again to make things right, to fill those times that we missed. Now I truly believe in LOVE IS SWEETER THE SECOND TIME AROUND.


by: Anthony Nash De Leon

Fun memories with my family in a vacation.

In our lives, we have received more than one of everything that has stepped into our doorsteps and knocked on to our doors (and maybe, also into our hearts and minds). True friends may be counted but the laughs, cries and memories we have shared with them are immeasurable. Blessings and graces that we have obtained are innumerable that even the stars in the sky could not be at par with them.  And the love, care, and support we get from our families are unfathomable that even the depths of the sea would not be enough to measure them.

The same goes to chances. They are limitless. We often think that chances in our lives come only once or twice because we tend to categorize them. We separate the chances that arrive in our careers, in our love life, in our academics, and in other aspects. But, in truth, they are all the same.

In my 19 years of existence, I, myself, have experienced infinite chances in my life. I even think that these chances have exceeded my present age. And even the length of my existence in the world would not be enough to be equivalent to it.

Before my first day of stepping in to UE as an official college student, let us push the rewind button and try to look back at who I was.

Who would ever forget about the cartoon series Lupin III? It was about the adventures of a famous expert thief alongside with his friends. Even though he is caught doing the deed, he still is able to escape from the police and continue doing his stealing spree.

I was once a Lupin III.

It was way back when I was still in elementary. I remember having Php 20.00 as my daily allowance because my parents would always ask us to bring baon and we have our service. Surviving a day with only Php 20.00 in my pocket was very difficult, especially, when my baon is not enough for me because I have a big appetite despite, my small stature. And there are sumptuous meals served in our canteen that are better than my baon.

I began stealing small amounts from my father and mother’s wallet like Php 50.00 to add to my daily allowance. At first, my parents did not give much attention to it until I reached grade 5. During those days, the amount has risen from Php 50.00 to Php 1,000.00. I would usually steal from my parent’s wallets or from my older sibling’s piggybanks. They never see me stealing the money because I would usually do the deed when everyone is heavily sleeping n their beds at night or at dawn when everyone is downstairs preparing for school.

Everything was fine. Until, my parents paid more attention to the money in their wallets and with the things they see me bring home after school that would cost more than my daily allowance. Yes, I was caught. I had to bid farewell o those days when I fill my stomach with more food and treat my friends at school during recess and lunch breaks. However, it didn’t stop me. I pursued my stealing spree until one weekend morning, my mom cried in front of me.

I remember how swollen her eyes where and how disappointed her look was at me. I remember how buckets of tears gushed from her eyes. I remembered how she used her new red daster to wipe off the tears in her eyes. And I was there, sitting, motionless; my heart was as solid as a rock. It still was fresh in my memory why I felt nothing. I felt like I was behind all my siblings, that I was inferior to them. However, my mom hugged me and that was when I shed a tear. That was the first time I realized that I cried and that I was wrong.

One of the chances in my life came to me, punched me in the face and said,” It is time to change.”

Me, sleeping heavily.

A few years forward, I was no longer a stealer. Now, I was a sleeper and a sloth. Whenever, the afternoon came and classes would pursue, I was always in my seat with my head bowed down, eyes closed, and I was dreaming. It was not daydreaming. It was really a dream because I would often fall asleep during class especially, during algebra (oohh how I despised that when I was in high school).

I never really believed so much in myself, back then. Besides the fact that many of my classmates were teasing me in high school, I was just quiet hiding behind the shadows of my older brother and sisters who have been known as consistent students from the cream of the crop section. I, on the other hand, was consistent in being among the students in mixed sections because no section was declared the last, second, third, so on and so forth. It was quite irritating to hear your teachers say, “Oh you’re the brother of …” Can’t I be known for my own first name?

I guess that is what prompted me to become both a sloth and a sleeper. I had consistent grades with axes. It even came to a point in which I almost failed algebra. Thankfully, I received a passing mark because it was rounded off and my teacher was very nice.

Again, I was scolded by my parents who were very stern with their look and grounded me from using the computer and the TV.

It was our class adviser that approached me and motivated me to become better. To be released from the act of sleeping and laziness. It was her that pushed me to believe in myself.

This was, again, one of the chances that patted me in the shoulder and said, “It is time to change.”

A few more years forward and I have grown passed the stealing, the lying, the sleeping, and the indolence. It was just I was not yet a firm believer with some beliefs and traditions in my religion. I guess I grew tired of always having to pray by just saying the words and not putting meaning in them. I got tired of listening to our teachers in religion and values education because it is too ideal. I grew tired of waking up early and going to mass every Sunday morning. I, actually, wished it would end. I even questioned the existence of the Divine being, back then.

A heart that was once empty and filled with space.

However, when that fateful day came, it all changed. My sister has been in the hospital for more than a week and her vital signs were not very good. Her blood pressure went to 60/20. Most of her white blood cells were destroyed by the dengue and malaria that have infected her. She was skinny and pale. She needed bags of blood in order for her to survive.

Once again, chance came up to me and just said straightforward, ““It is time to change.”

Among the countless chances that I have encountered in my life, those were the three most important.

The thief that was once filled with anger and jealousy is now a very stingy and thrifty college student who keeps both his eyes on their organization’s funds. The sloth and the sleeper that was once so unsure and unbelieving of himself have become better and is more optimistic. And the curious and questioning follower is now a firm believer and sincere devotee after his sister survived.

Chances besides being inexhaustible, also brings countless lessons in life. Both do not have a definite number. There are no such things as second, third, or fourth. Just chances. Just lessons. Again, it would not be appropriate to count them because every chance and lesson that comes to our life would not fit the number of finger that we have in our hands.

Chances like tomorrows will forever be endless.

A chance for a lifetime

When love ends, how long should you hold on? How soon should you let go? How do you move on? For anyone who as ever loved and lost, “One more Chance” is the best Filipino movie for you. It will make you inspired, in love, make you cry, and at the same time, make you realize of what Love truly means.

One more Chance is an epic Filipino movie starring John Lloyd Cruz, as Popoy and Bea Alonzo, as Basha. This movie is all about “Second Chances”, and how 2 people decided to part ways, but in the end, right timing brings them back together.


Honestly, I’m a fan of One more Chance, maybe because I can somehow relate my love story to this movie, and also, there are lots of quotable lines that adds some spices to the story.




To name a few, here are my top 5 favorite quotable lines of the movie, One more Chance.

1.)    “If kaya pang ayusin pilitin. What if this is really what both of you need?
Then just be strong. Magiging mahirap at masakit pero hopefully all the pain will be worth it.”- Krizzy (Dimples Romana)


2.)    “I already give 5 years of my life to this relationship, it’s about time you give me what I want.”- Basha (Bea Alonzo)

3.)    “Sometimes it’s better for two people to break up so they can grow up. It takes two grown-ups to make a relationship work.”- Mark (Derek Ramsey)

4.)    “Siguro kaya tayo iniiwan ng mga mahal natin dahil may darating pang ibang mas magmamahal sa’tin. Yung hindi tayo sasaktan at paaasahin.. Yung magtatama ng lahat ng mali sa buhay natin.”-Popoy (John Lloyd Cruz)


5.)    “Para pag naging tayo ulit, Kaya na  kitang mahalin ng buong buo nang walang halong takot, kung masaktan man tayo ulit.” (Popoy)

These are my top 5 favorite lines of the movie One more chance. It’s funny to think that I would be able to somehow apply these lines to my present relationship. Just like the story of Basha and Popoy, my love story was also given another chance to make things right.


However, we should not misinterpret “Love” as an act of giving, just like what other people said, all the things that are too much is not good. We should learn to think about ourselves too, if it’s all worth it or not. If not, then let go. Because if two people are destined to be together, fate plus effort would put them back to make it last forever.

Advance Happy Hearts Day everyone 🙂

Family Saved

Kahit Isang Saglit Movie (2000)

“Sana’y ika’y muling Makita ko
Damhin ang Tibok ng puso mo
Sana’y yakapin mong akong muli
Kahit sandali
Kahit isang saglit mayakap ka.”

          Kahit Isang Saglit by Martin Nievera played Sunday afternoon. I am alone in the house. I remember my mom. I miss her. I miss my brothers. I miss my dad. I miss everyone and I miss our Sunday videoke, going to movie house then having dinner on our favorite pizza parlor in Cubao.

          It’s been 8 years since my mother died due to cervical cancer. It was in 2004, January 20, Tuesday morning. I stopped going to school so I can help the family since my Father and my elder brother have to continually work for the family and also to support my mom’s needs. It was never tiring, to take care of your mother who took care of you your whole life. It really breaks my heart to know that she cannot hold on to more than a year for us to be ready. It was very sudden.

Grade 3: Communion Rites

          My mother is a meticulous person that even when she’s already gone, the house has to be cleaned because she might got angry, every furniture and figurines has to be on their places, the kitchen has to be neat. I remember it so vividly at my mother’s wake; we have to clean the house and the garage whenever a person leaves. No one played cards or mahjong outside the house as she doesn’t like any form of gambling. Her wake was so peaceful that we just played Christina Aguilera, Martin Nievera, and Carpenters’ songs whole day.

          The days went so fast, as we have to face the reality. We didn’t mind having dining table again after our very old dining table broke few months before she died. Because no matter what happened we will never be complete again. But how am I going to face the fact that I was never close to my father as he was always out of the country and/or out of town. I cannot remember I celebrated my birthday with him. But I have to be a good son to my father.

It's hard to see a father crying

          My father called me when I was cleaning the house months after the internment, he was sober. We went to the masters’ bedroom. It was quiet. No one was talking. I sat beside him and heard him sobbing. It was my first time seeing him like that. Without looking at him and just by feeling what he feels. I cried. My father misses my mom so much. He told me a story about her and what she was telling him while she was in the hospital. I cannot control the tears falling on my face. It was so hard to cry with a person whom you’ve never cried with before. But what’s more painful is to see a father crying his heart out.

          I have to fulfill my promise to my mother that I will look after my brothers and my Dad. That no matter how hard it is to face the reality that she’s already gone. I must do it with all my might. I want to make her happy because I know that she is always looking after us too.

          I tried to forget everything, and that I was never my Fathers favorite. That he always scolds me because I am not doing any good with class. That I have dropped my Engineering subjects and planned to shift to a Mass Communication course. It was so hard to talk to him and convince him that I am not made to be an Engineer. That I was so sorry that I cannot fulfill his dreams for me.

My Elder brothers wedding (2007)

          Years pass by, we have taken all the chances we’ve got to make and have a good family. It was our decision to give him what he wanted. He remarried to a younger woman and rent a place in Pasig. My elder brother married and owns a house in Marikina. I worked in BPO industry and rented a place in Quezon City. My two younger brothers were left in our house in Marikina. It was fair for all of us to be afar from each other so we can have more time to think for what is good and what’s the best for us.

          We’ve grown matured and think of each other as part of one’s self. We’ve helped each other to be strong and to be dependent. We’ve become a better person to have, if not the best, a better family.

Christmas Eve (2008)

         December 2008, days before Christmas Eve, I went home and stayed for good. I miss my family. I miss my mother and I miss our house. It was like the old times. I prepared food for my brothers. I cleaned the house. I have to make things look beautiful. I am waiting for my elder brother and my Dad before the time clicks at 12 midnight. I have this feeling that we will never be complete again. My father arrived before Christmas with our step-mother but not my elder brother.

          It was so heart-breaking celebrating every occasion, every year without a complete family. But we’ve been used to it. But what’s important is we’ve grown as a better individual and as a better man. A man who knows how to forgive and forget, and give every person a second chance. A chance on making things better for the sake of saving a family.

New Years Eve at Pasig (2011)

by: Ian Dherryl Valenzuela y Alvarez

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